“Many people ask me how it feels to be the wife of a former serviceman. I can sum it up in one word: personal. It’s very personal because it’s now our story, our sacrifice, our time lost. Joe’s deployment to Iraq directly affected who we were and who we are today. Surviving the experience for Joe (physically and emotionally), and for me (psychologically and emotionally), taught us that living out our vows was overwhelmingly important and real."
Opportunity Knocks
Excellent or Praiseworthy is posted on Monday and Thursday nights.
(Jesus said,) “I am the door; if any one enters by Me, he will be saved…”
— John 10:9 RSV
Annoyed by the knock, I reluctantly opened the door. A young man flashed me a wide smile, his large eyes dark. His warmth shrunk my annoyance. I smiled.
He introduced himself as Shawn. After listening to his sales pitch, I wanted to give him something valuable in return. So I offered him a pamphlet, explaining how to experience peace with God. He took it. I even invited him to stop back later when my husband would be home. Later Shawn returned, and the men agreed to meet for breakfast.
At their breakfast, Shawn shared his childhood heartache from his parent’s divorce. His impoverished mother still lived in Jamaica; his father served as a policeman in Baltimore. In search of opportunity, Shawn drifted door to door.
After listening for an hour and sensing the right timing, Leon, my husband, asked, “Shawn, have you ever rebelled against God?”
“Yeah,” Shawn answered.
Leon then explained how Jesus died on the cross and rose again from the dead to open the way to enter into a relationship with God. As Shawn listened intently, Leon said, “But Jesus is the only door.”
Looking Shawn in the eye, Leon continued, “Are you willing to give Jesus control?”
Shawn paused. “Sure.”
In the middle of the restaurant, Shawn prayed. He admitted his sin, accepted God’s invitation, and entered into a relationship with Jesus. Later Leon invited Shawn to church.
On Sunday morning, we drove 45 minutes across Denver to pick Shawn up, hoping he would be there. As we pulled up to his hotel, Shawn sat on the curb, smiling. After church, Shawn joined us for lunch. Leon met with him once more and gave him a Bible.
A few years later we received a message from Shawn which said that he had enlisted in the Army. Then before deploying to Iraq, Shawn called to say goodbye. He recounted how God had given him an open door, leading many military personnel into a relationship with Jesus Christ. As a wet dog shakes himself dry, Shawn’s love for Jesus splashed onto everyone.
Recalling one such incident, Shawn shared with us that he had spoken to a young Marine about Jesus. The Marine decided to start following Jesus. The following week in a training accident, the Marine died. This made a huge impact on Shawn—what if he had not taken that opportunity to share the gospel of Christ?
After saying goodbye, I thanked God for Shawn. God’s love pulsated through Shawn.
His unusual intimacy with Jesus propelled him to fearlessly and shamelessly lead others to the door.
That day when Shawn first knocked, I never suspected the opportunity at my door. What would have happened to Shawn, the Marine, and others if I had ignored his knock?
Questions to Share:
1. What fears prevent you from telling others about what Jesus has done for you?
2. Identify one person in your life that doesn’t have a relationship with Jesus. What is one specific step you will take to share the love of Christ with that individual?
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