We had many “hellos” and “good-byes” during our military days—with plenty of TDYs, deployments, training, exercises, and the Vietnam War. The “good-byes” were always difficult (understatement) . . . and the “hellos” were always glorious. Whether we were parting for a day, a week, a month or a year I always tried to stick by the training I got from that one book and that one wives’ meeting.
A Higher Level of Readiness
Excellent or Praiseworthy is posted on Monday and Thursday nights.
Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. – I Peter 3:15
We met with them over lunch—such an impressive couple. He returned two months ago from a year’s deployment, and we wanted to hear how they were adjusting. We also wanted to hear what God had taught them in that year apart, because God is always at work. We knew what they had to share would be something we could pass along to others—they are just like that.
Their preparations for the deployment were extensive. They had tried to think of everything, although he added that the plumbing problems, termite infestation, and car trouble were not something they expected! But because of good financial planning and excellent communication skills they were able to get through these challenges—and could smile about them . . . now.
Here are some of the plans they made and executed:
- They went to the Weekend to Remember marriage conference before he left, and even took some friends from their post;
- They sought out small group Bible studies on marriage, and even led some at the post chapel;
- They established communication plans with their cell phones and computers—hoping to take advantage of every opportunity to connect;
- He had her schedule and their child’s schedule written down on a planner so that he could picture in his mind the “where” and the “when” of their days;
- She crafted an emergency plan in case something would happen to her, complete with phone numbers, medical information and prescriptions, her child’s school contacts, and his schedule;
- They had two copies of a couple’s devotional, Moments with You, so they could share their readings each day;
- During the early days of his deployment, when his unit was remote, he did “The Deployment Dare” (see sidebar of ExcellentorPraiseworthy). . . . faithfully journaling his thoughts and actions;
- And on the days he could telephone, they would pray together.
Do they sound like the “poster children” for being “deployment ready”? The smiles, the laughter and the joy as they told stories at our lunch together led us to believe that all of their preparation time really paid off.
But that’s not all. As she said, “We thought we were making preparations, but in reality God was preparing us.” A few months into the deployment, he had the wonderful opportunity—a divine appointment—to speak to one of his fellow soldiers who wanted to know more about the Lord. Because God had prepared him, the Holy Spirit brought to mind Scripture and truth to share with one who said he wanted to know about Jesus “because I want to get saved!” After that, worship times at sea and in the desert were followed by discipleship studies.
It was after he returned from deployment that she had her turn to share the gospel—with the wife of this same soldier, brought together by “coincidence” at a unit picnic. The wisdom and love demonstrated by our couple had not gone unnoticed by those in their unit . . . . and when the opportunity came—they were ready to share where their peace, joy and hope came from. Because of their faith in Jesus Christ, forgiveness of sins, and promise of eternal life together in heaven they could live victoriously, even during the geographic separation (loneliness & danger) of deployment.
Are you ready? As a Christ-follower, are you ready to share your faith with someone who is honestly seeking “the way, the truth, and the life?” (John 14:6)
While you are packing your bags and saying your good-byes, don’t forget to pray for the people with whom you will come in contact during the year apart. They might need to hear what you have to share . . . . about the good news of Jesus Christ! Be ready . . . .
Questions to Share:
1. Being ready to share your faith starts with having faith to share. Tell your spouse about your decision (when, where, why, etc.) to become a Christian, a Christ-follower.
2. Was there someone who told you about Jesus Christ which led to your salvation decision? Say a prayer of thanksgiving to God for their bold witness. Pray also for that same boldness to share with someone else, so they might know your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
3. If you have not made that decision, but desire to know more, go to 4spirituallaws.com.
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