As Christians, we believe our minds, souls, and bodies were created for God-ordained rhythms of work, rest, and worship. Military duty necessarily pulls us away from these rhythms. Even as I am thankful, proud, and grounded because of my military experience, the intensity of that experience has a shadow side which takes a toll on many veterans.
Excellent or Praiseworthy is posted on Monday and Thursday nights.
The LORD is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made. Psalm 145:13
I’m not a young Army Wife.
This is not my first, or my second, or my third or my (you get the picture) deployment. And it doesn’t matter. I miss my soldier as much as the next wife. My kids miss their Daddy as much as any kids would. Deployments are hard regardless of who you are and what number this one is for you.
We are nearing the end of this fifteen month deployment, and while I would so love to be closer than we are, I can wait. How? Because you see that image to the left? It is one of the most perfect reminders I can think of how God’s promises are forever and they are changeless. No matter what is going on in our lives or in the world, God’s promises stand. What a comfort that is! What peace that brings. When my soldier husband sent me the image, I just couldn’t stop looking at it. I was so amazed to see a rainbow in Afghanistan! I’m not sure why I thought that was some type of great world wonder, but the image is just so powerful to me with the rainbow in the background of a place of combat.
I have so much to be thankful for in regards to everything that has happened since April of 2011. But one of the biggest joys I have is that as exhausted as I am at the end of each day, I wake up every morning and push through another day.
I am thankful, so thankful that we have a Gracious Heavenly Father.
I am thankful for rainbows and the reminders they are of God’s word to us.
And I am thankful I have a soldier who loves me, but who loves Jesus more.
We are still in waiting mode for our reunion, but the days are getting much shorter!
Many of our unit’s soldiers have already returned to their families. Mine will be one of the last, if I am blessed to have him return. I can’t wait to feel him breathing next to me again. I have missed his presence in our lives so much. And I know he’s missed ours in his. How blessed I am to have the life I do. I pray God will not let me forget the struggles I’ve faced and the lessons I’ve learned about my heart and my faith through the last 15 months. And I pray as I move forward, that I use those lessons to His glory.
Questions to Share:
1. Can you identify with this soldier’s wife’s perspective, now that she is near the end of their umpteenth deployment? Why or why not?
2. What about God’s character and the faithfulness of His promises has helped sustain you through deployments?
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