Covenant. Commitment. These are words we share in the Christian church, and in the Christian marriage. And sometimes, as a time of remembrance and renewal, couples will recite their wedding vows again to each other . . . as a sign that “what was true then is still true now.” Perhaps even more so.

The Living Triangle
Editor’s Note: Perhaps you have wondered if your Christian faith has had any impact on others during your military experience. If so, I hope you enjoy this story of one woman’s opportunity to see how God used her witness to invest in the life of another young military wife early in the years of their marriage and career.
Excellent or Praiseworthy is posted on Monday and Thursday nights.
And the things that you have heard me say…entrust to reliable men who will be qualified to teach others. —2 Timothy 2:2 (NIV)
My husband, Leon, drew a triangle with Jesus at the apex of the triangle and wrote his name and mine on either side at the lower corners. While attending a weekend marriage seminar at the base chapel with other young military couples, we were asked to draw a simple diagram representing our marriages. Leon attempted to communicate how we tried to put Jesus first in our marriage by using this triangle.
The following Monday morning, a woman from the seminar phoned. Maureen shared how she loved the symbol of the triangle; she had never heard of making Jesus a part of marriage. My husband’s illustration had aroused her curiosity. She asked if we could get together. Delighted, I invited her over.
At my home, Maureen expressed an interest in learning more about Jesus. I asked her if she would like to meet weekly to discuss the Bible. She responded, “Yes!”
Her inquisitiveness continued to increase each time we met. After several months, she understood that she didn’t have a relationship with Jesus. Consequently, one morning, she knelt by her bed and prayed, “Jesus, please take control of my life and my marriage.” The next day she couldn’t wait to tell me about the prayer.
Over 22 years have passed since Maureen and I lived in California. And recently while visiting the East coast, we had the opportunity to stay with her family for several days. We hadn’t seen each other for years.
After being there for a few days, I observed the sweet spirit that permeated her home. Though her household overflowed with laughter and lively conversations, real peace and quiet punctuated it.
Maureen and her husband, Larry, shared how they had served in unique leadership roles in the military. During the tsunami in 2004, Larry was aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln and helped contribute to the American rescue efforts and humanitarian assistance in Southeast Asia.
On the home front, Maureen encouraged the countless wives whose husbands were deployed. Maureen had many opportunities to tell her story of how she started a relationship with Jesus Christ and how He met her deepest needs. She often bolstered these women as they struggled through difficult times of prolonged separation.
Early one morning, as I contemplated all I had witnessed in Maureen’s home, emotions welled up in me. God had faithfully worked in and through Maureen and Larry as they touched many people’s lives. Back in the desert soil of central California, He led Maureen into my life, and now He gave me a peek into the returns of that investment.
God seemed to whisper, “Pamela, how far are you willing to go with Me in sharing your story of hope with others?” While at Maureen’s house, He showed me that though I had only invested in one woman’s life back in California, Maureen had, in turn, imparted her life into the lives of many women.
At the start of our stay, I saw the purpose of our visit as only spending a few days with a cherished friend. But the visit had a far greater positive effect on me.
One morning during that visit, I overheard Larry’s voice outside on the patio quietly reading the Bible. Curious, I peeked out the window. Both he and Maureen were sitting close together, their heads slightly bent towards one another. I recalled Maureen’s first words to me in California, “I never heard of making Jesus a part of marriage.” My eyes filled with tears. I saw Leon’s illustration: the triangle.
Questions to Share:
- In your marriage, what is one specific commitment you will make to put Christ at the apex of the triangle?
- Identify your greatest fear or obstacle that prevents you from mentoring someone in your life. Who will you approach this week and take the first step toward developing a mentoring relationship?
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