As Christians, we believe our minds, souls, and bodies were created for God-ordained rhythms of work, rest, and worship. Military duty necessarily pulls us away from these rhythms. Even as I am thankful, proud, and grounded because of my military experience, the intensity of that experience has a shadow side which takes a toll on many veterans.
Real Men Say “I Love You, Lord”
Excellent or Praiseworthy is posted on Monday and Thursday nights.
I love you, O Lord, my strength.—Psalm 18:1.
King David, the great warrior-king, said “I Love You, O Lord” from Psalm 18:1.
So did Tom, an old waterman of the Chesapeake Bay and founding member of our dear church. Every Sunday morning he would serve as usher, and when he picked up the offering plates at the altar and bowed his tired, sea-weathered head to pray, he would end with , “I just want to say, ‘I love you, Lord.’”
What beautiful memories of those days in church.
And when he passed away, his nephew took his place as usher and would close with, “I just want to say, ‘I love you, Lord.’”
Our church members got so accustomed to hearing it spoken that it caught on. At meetings we would end our prayers with “We just want to say, ‘We love you, Lord.’” To this day, that phrase is a Spirit-led benediction which rings true.
Because it is true . . . we do love the Lord. And we want to tell Him that.
One of the most beautiful modern hymns we have in Christian music today expresses just this, “I love you, Lord.” Maybe seeing the music video of this great Maranatha song will encourage us to continue to tell the Lord that we do love Him . . . just like King David said . . . just like Tom said:
No matter whether you are on the battlefield or the home front, remember to tell the Lord that you love Him. “We love because He first loved us.” I John 4:19
Questions to Share:
1. Is there anyone you need to tell today that you love them?
2. Have you ever told the Lord that you love Him? Take the time today to tell these important people, and the Lord, that you love them.
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