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Choosing Hope

What is it that you hope for? Perhaps it is the safety of your spouse, or for an easy transition after deployment, or for a certain assignment. Or could it be that you have been walking in difficulty for so long that you are finding it difficult to hope at all? If you find your faith giving way to doubt, you are not alone.

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Conquering Resentment

Excellent or Praiseworthy is posted on Monday and Thursday nights. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests,…

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“Hi, I’m Jocelyn.” I was one of several new military wives being welcomed to the unit with a potluck luncheon. Already unsure of myself in this “new” world, I was completely taken aback when my introduction of myself was countered with, “Oh, don’t bother telling us your name. You’re the XO’s (Executive Officer) wife, and that’s all you’ll ever be to us.” She then suggested that she would buy a T-shirt for me emblazoned with “XO’s wife” so no one would ever need to wonder. My husband’s title had just branded me for the duration of my time in this tiny town in Alaska. Perhaps I should have expected it, but I was frustrated. I wanted to be identified for who I was, not for what my husband did for a living.

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Is God Trustworthy?

Excellent or Praiseworthy is posted on Monday and Thursday nights. Editor’s Note: Several months ago, my husband and I attended a briefing given by a high-ranking Navy chaplain to a group of local pastors. He told them, “The best thing…

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Affairs of the Heart

Excellent or Praiseworthy is posted on Monday and Thursday nights. Editor's Note:  We are pleased to post another devotional from Faith Deployed: Daily Encouragement for Military Wives.  While this particular writing by Jocelyn Green is specifically for wives, the "question…

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Comparing Trials

I sat in our Bible study and watched another woman share a prayer request. She was having a hard time dealing with the fact that her parents and sister’s family had moved across the country. After years of living in the same small town of Homer, Alaska, this woman missed them terribly and was growing bitter about it. As I listened to her share with broken voice and many tears, I’m ashamed to admit I had no compassion for her whatsoever. The first thing that jumped into my mind was, “You call that bad? Try being a military wife! We hardly ever get to live near our extended families. We don’t even live with our own husbands half the time!”

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