Warnings, Cautions and Notes
In the military, equipment comes with a tech manual which includes instructions on its proper use. In the manual are warnings—operating procedures which could result in personal injury or loss of life if not carefully followed; cautions—operating procedures which could result in equipment damage if not carefully followed; and notes—operating procedures which are essential to emphasize. When teaching the Bible, my husband and I sometimes refer to the “warnings, cautions, and notes” which are included in our “tech manual” for living. Scripture is filled with instruction for proper use of our bodies, our minds, our tongues, our actions—so that we will not injure ourselves or others—and also with essential guidance on how to live our lives to the glory of God. Looking at some of Oswald Chambers’ writings, we can see how he was giving his soldiers (and generations of his readers since) “warnings, cautions, and notes."