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Psalm 91 in Prayer

Psalm 91 has always been a favorite psalm to study and pray—especially for soldiers and their families who live with the dangers of war. So it is no surprise that routinely our Sunday evening prayer group uses “The Warrior’s Psalm” for our weekly prayer time. Let me share five prayers written by our prayer team leader based on this powerful Scripture . . . in order to encourage your heart—and your prayer life.

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“I’m So Angry!”

There is a story told about “two dogs” which battle within us. Some say it’s an Indian legend . . . some say it’s an old fable told long ago . . . but the story makes the rounds, and also makes a lot of sense. . . . As the story goes, when a youngster comes to the old sage leader and asks why he feels so angry at unfair treatment, the older one explains, “It is as if there are two dogs inside of you. One is always good, peaceful, and loyal.

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Greater Grace for Deployment

People write books on God’s grace. Books about transforming grace, saving grace, all-sufficient grace, powerful grace. . . . .amazing grace. But what about grace to face multiple deployments? Perhaps your marriage survived the first deployment. . . .barely. Then with the second deployment you were more prepared than the first, and took some steps to improve in communications and commitment. The third deployment came sooner than you expected and more frustration set in. Now you’re on what seems to be a never-ending course for more and more separation, loneliness, hard work under harsh conditions, and danger. . . . . what kind of grace will get you through those struggles? Let’s call it greater grace. Greater grace takes you from “I can’t do this anymore” to “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)

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A New Year Every Morning

Excellent or Praiseworthy is posted on Monday and Thursday nights. “…my spirit is depressed. Yet hope returns when I remember this one thing: The Lord’s unfailing love and mercy still continue, fresh as the morning, as sure as the sunrise.” …

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