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The Curse of Comparison

As noble and mature as military couples are, there is a fiery dart which Satan can fire straight from his arsenal into their hearts. It is the dart of discouragement, and I believe it is Satan’s favorite weapon. Oftentimes discouragement comes from a season of comparison—never a good idea to compare yourself, your marriage, your kids, your career, your possessions, your struggles, your purposes, with others. But we all do it. Sometimes we actually believe, “The grass is greener”—but it isn’t.

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October 31st

Today is October 31st—a date most well-known for the holiday we call Halloween. In a 2007 report, the estimated economic impact of Halloween is between 4 billion and 6 billion dollars—and now estimated to exceed $8 million. In Al Mohler’s article “Christianity and the Dark Side—What about Halloween?” he quotes historian Nicholas Rogers as saying, “Halloween is currently the second most important party night in North America. In terms of its retail potential, it is second only to Christmas. This commercialism fortifies its significance as a time of public license, a custom-designed opportunity to have a blast. Regardless of its spiritual complications, Halloween is big business.” But did you know that October 31st is also the anniversary of the day Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany?

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Your Tears Matter to God

I would be surprised if you have gotten through this deployment without any tears. Tears when your spouse left; tears during the long months of separation; tears at special occasions when your loved one’s presence is especially missed . . . tears matter. Tears matter to God.

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He Took God at His Word

On the basis of his reading of the Scriptures, Matthew Fontaine Maury knew from Psalm 8:8, Ecclesiastes 1:6, and Psalm 107:23-24 that God designed and ordered the elements of nature which had fascinated him in his experience at sea and in his subsequent study. Maury contended that whoever studies the sea “must look upon it as a part of that exquisite machinery by which the harmonies of nature are preserved, and then will begin to perceive the developments of order and the evidences of design.” (2) It was on the basis of his belief in the truth of Scripture that Maury made the scientific conclusions that he did. Born in 1806, this man of God went on to be known as "The Father of Modern Oceanography."

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Counter-Fear Tactics

As Sonja held down the fort while her husband Jason was deployed, she quickly saw the need to go on the offensive against spirits of fear, worry, resentment, anger and bitterness. Instead of waiting for discouragement to invade and occupy her home, she countered it at every turn by wielding the Sword of Truth: God’s Word.

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No Ifs, Ands, or Buts . . .

“If I’ve done something wrong, I’m sorry.” “. . . . and I’ll try not to do it again, but I can’t guarantee anything.” “I was wrong to _____, but it was really your fault.” Have you ever heard statements like these, or maybe even said them yourself? Clumsy apologies—if you can even call them apologies. And in marriage a bad apology, or lack of an apology, can begin to cost you the whole relationship.

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It’s Just Crazy!

Picture this—both sides in a battle are lobbing grenades at one another. The grenades blow up causing much destruction on each side. Now imagine that the two sides fighting are really a husband and a wife. The “grenades” are words and actions—and somehow both partners seem surprised when they “blow up”! Lots of hurt. . .lots of anger. . .and it just gets worse and worse. The fighting can continue right into the divorce court. If you’ve ever seen this happening in a couple, or experienced it yourself, you know that it’s just crazy!

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PTSD Prayers of King David

The Combat Trauma Healing Manual: Christ-centered Solutions for Combat Trauma is filled with truth that helps and heals. My copy of this life-valuable book has underlines, highlights, stars and check marks in the margins, brackets, and notes—page after page. But one of my favorite parts is in the back—in the Appendix. The appendices are filled with important information—from how to know God personally to symptoms of PTSD to Scripture for use in spiritual warfare. Then there is Appendix D, with the interesting title of “Prayer Life of a PTSD Victor: King David.” There are three sections of prayers in this six page appendix—“Prayers of a Wounded Warrior,” “Promises to a Wounded Warrior,” and “Praises from a Wounded Warrior.” I will give a sample of each, but first we must ask the question “Who was King David?” and “Why do we believe he was a PTSD sufferer?”

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Marriage and Walt Disney

I had the amazing opportunity to watch the Disney classic, "Sleeping Beauty,"with my children for family movie night a few weeks ago.  I guess I loved fairy tales since I was little, and so watching my seven-year-old daughter’s delight, as the prince fights evil Malificent’s dragon, was pretty cool.  But I tend to toss aside the fairy tales now in the trenches of being a soldier’s wife, and can often drown in the feeling of being solo with the kids at home.  If I am honest.  Yet, I know my active-duty, oft-deployed, husband is a gift from God.  But, still, I can wrestle, like many, with the whole marriage “fairy tale,” or “happily ever after.”

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Words Aptly Spoken

Excellent or Praiseworthy is posted on Monday and Thursday nights. Editor’s Note: There are fifty-two good quotes here about married life. That’s one for every week of the year. Enjoy! “Haven’t you read,” (Jesus) replied, “that at the beginning the…

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